kiscsiadm - a GUI for iscsi/open-iscsi

kiscsiadm - a GUI for iscsi/open-iscsi

Howto's for the kiscsiadmin:

Fedora Core 4
Debian 3.1

kiscsiadmin on Fedora Core 4

- install fedora core 4
- yum install the following packages (or makes sure they are installed already) :

     gcc, cpp, gcc-c++, qt-devel, db4-devel, kernel-devel

For packaging you also need :

     rpm-devel + rpm-build

- get a 2.6.13 (vanilla) kernel source from
  (newer kernels are currently known to have problems
with the latest open-iscsi release)

     cd /usr/src

- unzip/untar the kernel-sources in /usr/src

     tar -xjvf linux-2.6.13.tar.bz2

- run the following commands to prepare and compile the kernel :

     cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.13
     make mrproper
     make clean
     cp ../linux-[fedora-kernel-version]/config/[kernel-config-fitting-to-your-hardware].config .config
     make oldconfig [answer Y to "most" of the questions]
     make bzImage
     make modules
     make modules_install
     cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.13
     cp /boot/
     depmod -a
     mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.13.img 2.6.13

Now add the new compiled kernel to your boot-manager.
for grub the new kernel-entry should look "similar" to this :

     title linux-open-iscsi
     kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.13 root=/dev/hda1 splash=silent vga=788
     initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-2.6.13.img

(depends on the specific setup)

Now reboot into the new kernel.

Now get, compile and install open-iscsi :

     cd /usr/src
     tar -xzvf open-iscsi-0.4-434.tar.gz
     cd open-iscsi-0.4-434
     make KSRC=/usr/src/linux-2.6.13
     make install KSRC=/usr/src/linux-2.6.13 (needs to be run as root)

Ok, great :)
Now let us create the needed initiatorname file in /etc (as root).

     echo "" > /etc/initiatorname.iscsi

This file is needed to start the iscsi-initiator.
The string in it can be "almost" any string identifier.

Starting iscsi :

     modprobe scsi_transport_iscsi
     modprobe iscsi_tcp

(yes, it is sooo easy)

Now let get the kiscsiadmin compiled and working.
First get the latest kiscsiadmin release from :

     cp kiscsiadm-[latest-release].tgz /usr/src
     cd /usr/src
     tar -xzvf kiscsiadm-[latest-release].tgz
     cd kiscsiadm
     make OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=/usr/src/open-iscsi-0.4-434

Now you can start the kiscsiadmin by running (as root) :


To install it at system-level run in /usr/src/kiscsiadm as root :

     make install OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=/usr/src/open-iscsi-0.4-434

kiscsiadmin on Debian 3.1

- on Debian do a :
     apt-get install libqt3-compat-headers libqt3-mt-dev libdb4.3 libdb4.3-dev
  or make sure those packages are installed already.

- for Debian on 2.6 kernels "mv insmod insomd.old", do this for all modutils
  cp the static busybox (from the opennemo-initrd) to /sbin and create links from
  busybox to insmod, rmmod, lsmod, modprobe, ..
  -> the latest busybox can handle 2.4. and 2.6 kernel modules
  ..... but there is no depmod !
  cp the static depmod from the opennemo initrd to /sbin
  This makes a 2.6 kernel "mostly" working on debian
  ! for iscsi you need to make sure that the "sd_mod" is insmodded
  (some modprobe commands may fail because of the busybox-modprobe
  with diffrent syntax)

  -> optional to the above steps get new modutils from the opennemo compilation
  (it compiles modutils + module-utils (old + new))

After this just follow the steps in the kiscsiadmin howto for fedora core 4 above.

Hope you enjoy this free software !

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. RedHat Linux is a registered trademark of RedHat. Mandrake/Mandriva Linux is a registered trademark of Mandrake. Debian Linux is a registered trademark of Debian. kiscsiadm is GPL software and based on QT from Trolltech (please read the GPL-Licence policy). All other registered trademarks are owned by their owners.