kiscsiadm - a GUI for iscsi/open-iscsi

kiscsiadm - a GUI for iscsi/open-iscsi

Source compilation and installation:

To compile kiscsiadm run :

      make OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=[path-to-your-open-iscsi-src-dir]

in the kiscsiadm source directory.

You need to have open-iscsi compiled before because the make
procedure will first create a "libiscsi" from the iscsiadm objects
which will be used to link the kiscsiadm..

A successfull make procedure will produce the "kiscsiadm.bin" binary
which can be started by the "kiscsiadmin" script in the kiscsiadm src
directory. This script pre-loads the libiscsi library so it does not need
to be installed on system level.

To install the kiscsiadm at system level run :

      make install OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=[path-to-your-open-iscsi-src-dir]

You can also create an rpm-package in an easy way by running :

      make rpm OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=[path-to-your-open-iscsi-src-dir]

This will create the common .tar.gz, rpm- and srpm-packages
for your linux distribution.

To uninstall you can run :

      make uninstall OPEN_ISCSI_SRC=[path-to-your-open-iscsi-src-dir]

RPM-installation :

To install the kiscsiadm rpm-package run (as root) :

      rpm -ihv kiscsiadm-[version].rpm

To uninstall run (as root) :

      rpm -e kiscsiadm

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